So starting this week the giveaways will always start on the MONDAY of the week .. and finish on the Sunday evenings at 11:59 pm CST. Again, like on Friday's the time we post the giveaway will vary (please keep in mind that I work sometimes in the day and sometimes in the evening to accomodate my kiddies schedules and my college helpers school schedule... so I won't guarantee a post by 8 am every Monday or announcing the winner by that day on the noon ... but it will be done every Monday ...).
In the last few weeks of our summer giveaways we will have a few fall and Halloween items lined up.
I don't know how you liked last weeks design a witch tutu but I loved it!! So after getting some feedback I am going to do something different than I had originally planned for this week's giveaway and this will most likely be the last giveaway that is like this as I already have the remaining giveaways planned..
Design your own Witch TUTU or Fairy TUTU
I know not everyone likes their little ones dressed as witches but I had so
many comments from fans last week loving the witch contest that I decided to
repeat but with 2 options for ideas.. so enter in the idea that you want to win..
(This giveaway is for a DESIGN YOUR TUTU ONLY - meaning we are looking for your color ideas that would be fabulous for these costumes.. feel free to mention add ons for the tutus (however some may not be possible depending on our supplies) or witch hat ideas HOWEVER please remember the contest is for the tutu idea only .. (the witch hat will be made to match from our supplies and the fairy wings will be the color of our choice based on what we have in stock that matches with your tutu creation)
You can look at our colors at:
The winner can custom choose the sizing of their tutu - sizing must be a waist of 20 inches or less and no more than a 10/11 length - winners please allow 14 business days from the time you confirm your sizing for us to make - then shipping time to you.
In addition I will actually allow two winners this week... this is a HUGE thing ...
so I will pick one winner as always from and generally I don't like to
pick an idea ... but myself along with one of the photographers
I work with will select the 2nd winner based from an idea that we love!!
So PLEASE read how to post for this contest so your entry will be valid!
So here are the rules..... please read them in full, last week I had to delete several posts on the discussion board since they were not posted correctly. It is very important that you post correctly to avoid having your post deleted.
Please post your entries on our facebook page under the discussions tab:
Each of the below gets you one ENTRY to post with - in that ENTRY please provide the info below requested AND your idea in that post. There can only be one idea in your post so you must decide if you want to enter a WITCH idea or a FAIRY idea. Please do not enter 1 idea for each in one post. ALL IDEAS MUST BE POSTED IN THE APPROPIATE DISCUSSION AREA TO BE CONSIDERED.
(1) All fans get the opportunity for 1 idea post ... just post in THE DISCUSSIONS TAB a witch tutu idea (yes you can use your idea from last week if you didn't win) OR post a fairy tutu idea.
(2) Become a fan of Bella Claire Baby on facebook, and earn an addtl entry - please post that you have become a fan of BCB and then post 1 idea again choose whether to submit a witch or a fairy idea.
(3) Give a cute Halloween Party Idea (Games, Decor, Food etc) in a post and then in the same post you may post a 3rd idea of either a witch or a fairy.
(4) Finally a 4th entry is available for all customers that have purchased during the month of JULY 2010, you MUST POST that you purchased, the name purchased under and then your idea in that post again only one idea so choose between a witch or fairy.
SO this will be asked... if you have 3 entries ... you can submit 2 witch ideas and 1 fairy idea... but only 1 idea per a post. Have FUN!

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